The New and Improved SaeboStep:

This is by far our best seller, and all of our clients rave about it, and the freedom / independence, that this device provides.   I regularly get the reaction of, "I never knew this device existed, it has changed my life."  Many people become so dependent that they purchase spare parts ahead of time, as a "just in case scenario."

Also, with the new design, a client with limited hand function, can don this device with one hand in less then 45 seconds.  Now, that takes a little practice, but can be accomplished quite easily.  See this video.

(1) Putting on the new SaeboStep one handed - YouTube  

I put on my New and Improved SaeboStep a little differently with one hand, and that's okay, because I may be a little more flexible.  How do you become more flexible, or have less Spasticity post Stroke(s), or other Neurological injury?  For me it is about Stretching, weight bearing, and Electrical Muscle Stimulation.

I stand on my wedge every morning before I head downstairs, just for a couple of minutes.  Then, if I go upstairs during the day, I may jump on for another stretch, and then again before I go to bed at night. 

See the source image

(1) Electrode Placement for foot drop - YouTube

Using EMS on your leg for just 30 minutes a day will really improve your Range Of Motion, and help reduce your Spasticity.

I also recently started using the new SaeboStim Spa, which is a Game Changer.  Just 30 minutes a day, melts the Spasticity away.  I also made this a part of my daily routine, along with walking over 5 kilometers, which, because of the Wedge, EMS, Stim Spa, is much easier to complete.

You may think, how do I find the time for all that?  I have to, it isn't an option because if I don't, I will regress very quickly.  Use it or lose it.

So, if you, or someone you know, suffer from Foot Drop, get the New and Improved SaeboStep, and incorporate a new daily routine of Stretching, Weight Bearing,  EMS, or Stim, and walk farther, faster, longer, easier.

Click here and get your SaeboStep today.  Use coupon code SAEBOSTEP at checkout and receive 10% off, and don't forget to pick up an extra Eyelet Hook Kit, for your spare pair of shoes.  

Offer valid until July 31, 2023

NEW and IMPROVED SaeboStep. – JGH Rehab

New SaeboStep Eyelet Hook Kit. Generation 2 – JGH Rehab

All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Reliance on any information provided by the JGH Rehab website is solely at your own risk.