Keith Taylor. Strength after Stroke.

How a Stroke Changed My Life - CureHHT

Keith Taylor,  Strength after Stroke:

Keith Taylor suffered a stroke in June 2017. He had to sell his company ownership and went on a journey of transformation. Keith is now building a training program to help survivors wanting to get back to business.  Keith formed a new company called "Strength After Stroke".

See it here: Home | Strength After Stroke

Keith was recently on the No Plateau Podcast with Saebo Co-Founder Henry Hoffman. 

See / Listen to it below.  Every Stroke Survivor and every Caregiver of a Stroke Survivor should watch this Podcast.  We did!!

(1) The Importance of Mental Health Care with Keith Taylor | No Plateau Podcast - Season 2 Episode 2 - YouTube

Keith really knows what he is talking about, because he lived it and continues to live it everyday, and will live it for the rest of his life.

MENTAL HEALTH ( anxiety, depression, insomnia, mental, illness)The Importance of Mental Health

Both Mental Health and Depression, are real and understandable especially following a Stroke, because in an instant, your life got turned upside down.  Having someone to talk to, who truly understands what you are going through  and is outside your family / friend circle, is really important.  Keith provides that service.  I have not met or talked to Keith yet, but I am looking for him, because I really believe in what he is doing.  

All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.   Many opinions and viewpoints are based on my own Personal Stroke Recovery journey.  As every Stroke is different, so is every Stroke Recovery.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Reliance on any information provided by the JGH Rehab website is solely at your own risk